Mortal Kombat

Mortal kombat the movie will be released april 16 2021 and the movie has action and fantasy, the movie is 1h 50m the movie is about the characters suffering before they are chosen. Some characters get picked to fight in a tournament and the characters are getting together to take down the enemies that they face. There are so many characters that are going to be in this movie and the first character is sub zero and he is the god of ice, Jax is a father that lost his arms by sub zero and he has been given metallic arms, Lu kang is a guy who kinda controls fire and is a fighter, Melianna is a girl who has many teeth and has a sai, which is a weapon and she is the sister of kitana Kano is a guy who has one eye that is a laser and he likes to kill, Goro is a beast who has four arms and he is very big and very strong, Scorpion is a guy who is the god of fire and he also has a sword and a chain with a sharp point on one side and he uses it to get his enemies closer, Kabol is a guy who breathes a gas that make him fast and he has two hook swords that he uses to grab his enemies, Sonya Blade is a girl who has a daughter with johnny cage and she is a commander that leads special forces, Kung lao is a guy who has a hat that can glide and is sharp on the sides and is able to use that hat to cut someone, shang tsung is a guy who controls souls and collects them and he uses that power to take down his enemies and he also can take someone souls. As shown the movies characters were very well thought through. In the movie there are the people that has a symbol with a dragon and a circle it is a birthmark and that means you will have to be in a tormonent called mortal kombat and each one will have to prove if they are the best in the movie we see that there is many times when enemies will meet each other and are going to fight and that maybe means that they are in the tormonent too.