Terminator: Dark Fate
Santiago rodriguez
Terminator: Dark Fate: Thi film is about Dani, who was born in Mexico. Dani’s dad works at a metal warehouse, she doesn’t know that there is a machine that is from Legion. It is sent to kill Dani when she finds out about the machine after her brother died. She will need help from a machine from the future that was sent to help. They are on the bridge about to get killed by the Rev-9, but Sarah Conner comes to help them. They will need more help when they go to a house in the woods to get help from the terminator. To help them with Rev-9, Dani decides to stop running from Rev-9 and wants to fight it. What do you think will happen to Dani? Will she win or will she lose?
Venom: This is about a person named Eddie Brock who is a reporter and has a girlfriend named Annie. One day he goes to his boss who tells him to interview Colton Drake, who hates him. He started talking about something that he was told not to talk about, was sent to his boss and was sent home. When he heads home he stops by a little store to get items and he sees Mrs.Skirth from The Life Foundation. She says that Drake is doing bad things with the symbiotes. Eddie wants to find out what Drake is doing, but he gets chased and is trying to get away. Venom helps him get rid of the henchman. When Eddie gets Venom back he goes and fights Riot. Who will win Venom or Riot?