Earth Day

Earth Day was founded by Gaylord Nelson, a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin in 1970. Earth Day is a day that is celebrated on April 22nd every year. It is when people all over the world come together to celebrate the planet we live on and to raise awareness about environmental issues. On this day, people take action to protect the environment by participating in activities such as planting trees, cleaning up litter, and conserving energy. Earth Day is an important day because it reminds us of the importance of taking care of the planet we live on.
People celebrate Earth Day in many different ways. People participate in activities to help protect the environment. Others organize events, such as concerts or festivals, to raise awareness about environmental issues. Still, others use the day to lobby their government officials to take action to protect the environment. Earth Day is celebrated in many different countries around the world. In the United States, it is a national holiday, and many schools and businesses close for the day. In other countries, Earth Day is also celebrated with festivals, parades, and other events.
One of the most important things about Earth Day is that it raises awareness about environmental issues. It reminds us that the planet we live on is fragile and that we need to take care of it. By participating in Earth Day activities, we can make a difference and help to protect the environment for future generations. Earth day is an event that Idahoans appreciate due to the beauty of our surroundings. Locals often celebrate by going to the zoo this time of month, one of the numerous places where waste is cleaned up. It’s good to come together on this day as a community and show love for what has been here for billions of years.