A Bank Shooting Ends With Four or More Dead


A bank located in downtown Louisville was attacked by a gunman as he opened fire within his former workplace. The event was live streamed as a 25 year-old male shot up a bank. Injuring nine people and killing five. Shortly police arrived and killed the gunman after a brief fire-fight took place. 


25-year-old Connor Sturgeon fired many shots within the downtown bank of Louisville on Monday at 8:38 am. He was said to be livestreaming while he was doing so, and using a legally bought AR-15-style rifle. He killed over four people and left nine or less injured. His motives for doing so are unclear, and haven’t been given out by the authorities. Though police assume it had to do something with where he worked, which was at the Old National Bank on East Main street. That was where his bullets were fired and pierced 13 employees.  


After getting a 911 call from the gunman’s own mother and other callers, the police were able to arrive in under three minutes. They exchanged bullets with Connor before a rookie officer was shot in the head because of the conflict. He was left in critical condition, but the training officer with him was able to land a bullet on the gunman. Which ultimately ended up killing him.


After the threat was eliminated the police were able to get a grasp on the situation. They rushed the injured, including the rookie officer, to the hospital to be treated. They counted at least four dead, and found out Connor had been live streaming the horrid event on Instagram. The authorities were capable of taking the video down and a few officers even expressed to the news how wrong this made them feel. Not only did this happen within a city of their own, but it was live streamed and posted on social media for all to see.