Then and now: The music to our ears and hearts

The music cultures today are starting to disappear. Most of what you hear on the radio are hip-hop songs, rap, and some rock. You never hear some genres like classical, swing, EDM, or industrial music anymore. The lyrics are now meaningless. They used to have personality and would tell a story. All the newer music sounds the same or they are just covers. There’s no original music, it used to paint a picture in your mind.
Hip-hop has changed so much over the years. It used to be about troubled pasts; it was a way for the artists to express themselves and tell about what they had to go through at a young age. Now it’s almost all about drugs, alcohol, and other things that are frowned upon. This growing theme teaches kids at a young age that drugs are “cool” and make you popular. With the rising increase of this topic, you are seeing much more drug usage in schools and public areas.
The new music media can also affect artists because you can listen to music for free and it seems like the artists are not getting any compensation for their work. Some apps and websites allow you to download music for free. This can make it so the artist doesn’t get a cent for the hard work they put into the music they created. Now everyone loves music. It’s a part of our day-to-day life with the increase of apps allowing you to download music for free. This can cripple all genres of music. Along with being able to listen to music on demand smaller bands and artists have a less likely chance to take off. There seem to be fewer concerts which means that bands can advertise their merchandise or merchandise as people buy their merch. This pays for guitars, amplifiers, aux cords, and other things the band requires to play their music
Geny Shaw • Dec 16, 2022 at 3:20 pm
This looks fantastic!
I absolutely love this!!