COVID-19 Vaccines

Coronavirus has affected people around the world majorly since the beginning of 2020. Masking up, social distancing, and a toilet paper crisis has been the outcome of the Coronavirus. Some say it’s over-exaggerated and some take the extra measures just to be safe. The earliest cases of Covid were around November 2019 but we’re still learning about it. Covid was first reported in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. There were several companies working to develop a COVID vaccine. The CDC hoped to have a vaccine ready and distributed by the end of 2020. The CDC has been working with state, tribal, territorial, and local jurisdictions in the development of COVID-19, as well as private partners and federal agencies.
When a vaccine comes available, there will be a limited supply so the most at-risk people will be provided with a vaccine first such as healthcare workers and educators.
Low-income countries wouldn’t be able to receive a vaccine until 2023 or even in 2024.
Pfizer has successfully created the COVD-19 vaccine. According to CNN News, “Pfizer and its partner, German firm BioNtech, believe they can produce about 50 million doses by January, and as many as 1.3 billion doses by the end of 2021. Each recipient needs two doses, spaced weeks apart.”