COVID-19 Updates!


Idaho’s first confirmed case of COVID-19 was reported on Mar. 13, the number has risen to 11 cases and 0 deaths. According to Idaho ED News many school districts tried to stay open the week before spring break. When the President announced only groups of 10 were safe they decided it was best to close the week following spring break as well. The first person to test positive contracted it from a conference in New York City. Gov. Brad Little told US News that it wasn’t a case of community spread. Officials are striving to prevent infections, they are advising social distancing to prevent spreading the virus.
D91 and many others, including all districts in IDaho Falls have shut down school in hope to stop the spread of the Virus. Teachers are staying in the schools to deep clean their classrooms before professional cleaners come to sterilize everything. Students are at home staying healthy. Students are getting emails from their teachers on how to access the material they need to complete the projects and assignments that teachers are trying to give. As of MAr. 18 math teachers are being told to not give out assignments or any work to do.
The Economy in Idaho might be affected by the CoronaVirus quite largely stated by East Idaho News. YellowStone gives jobs to thousands of people. WIthout the foregin traveler, the people buying food, and the people staying in hotels and motels, many people aren’t getting paid. Idaho has a great tourist count, Idaho has YellowStone, great wildlife and national forests that attracts people from all around the world. WHen people do not visit harms the economic side of the businesses. If they do come They could spread the Virus or be packed into groups and contract the virus.
Cities in Idaho have been the most affected areas, such as Boise, Twin Falls, others. There are two known cases in Twin Falls, The track team from Skyline had just been there for a track meet. Because the sports at skyline and the surrounding schools travel for their sports games and meets the school officials have made a decision to stop all sports until April 6th.
Schools around the world have been shutting down to avoid the spread of COVID-19. The closing of schools is more to prevent the parents and grandparents of the students from getting sick rather than the children. Schools are sending emails to teachers to buy extra tissues and Germ x and to have them available for all students. The CDC is posting lists of how to help prevent the virus, such as staying home if you are sick, washing your hands, and not touching your mouth and eyes.
Calif. closed 20 schools once the number of confirmed cases rose to 157. Wash. has their students learning online at home instead of in classrooms to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. Most schools are closing for a couple days for deep cleaning and major health precautions to keep the schools and classrooms clean. The schools have been closing as soon as a member of the society around them tests positive for COVID-19.
School administrators are concerned with children who rely on school lunches to eat and if they will have good food at home. USDA has made a waiver program for these children who cannot afford lunches. They will be allowed to get lunch at designated spots and take them home while they are out of school. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said, “This is not the speed of the government that you’re used to,” he said, adding, “If schools are closed, we are going to do our very best to make sure kids are fed.” The USDA is trying to get every state involved with this program.
The CoronaVirus or COVID-19 has had huge effects on the economy. Since the first case in China, countries have been in pandemonium. Trade has noticeably decreased. According to UNCTAD Documents, Honda Motor Co. has halted vehicle output at two of its domestic plants because of concerns with getting parts from China. China is no doubt one of the biggest exporters for the economy. About 20% of manufacturing intermediate products comes from China. Because of the decline, the government has predicted major repercussions in the global economy. Companies who rely on China greatly could be facing a shortage in important parts or products. This causes a ripple effect to society, as there will be less and less product variety, leisure item sales, and discounted products.
People around the world have been terrified about the virus and have been withdrawing their stocks to reduce the risk of losing their money. The global stock market has dropped 25% according to The Washington Post. The outbreak has caused many business owners to let their staff go, as they are not making the money they need to pay these workers. President Trump has been working on helping these workers who are not being paid.ABC News states that workers will get up to two-thirds of their monthly wages while on sick leave. Trump feels they do not need to feel punished for something that is not their fault.
The U.S. has had over 7,000 confirmed cases of the virus, there have been 125 deaths as of Mar. 18. Local News channels everywhere are telling their viewers that the normal surgical masks found at any grocery store will not protect them from COVID-19. To fully protect themselves they need a better developed face mask called the N95 Respirator. These masks are around thirty dollars on Amazon. President Trump has just signed off on giving $8.3 billion to help with creating vaccines and treatment for the Coronavirus. $1.25 billion of that is going to international activities, and $300 million to vaccine and treatment.
Almost all of Europe has had confirmed causes of the virus. Italy has closed all borders and is not letting anyone or anything in or out to try and contain the Coronavirus. The Death toll in Italy as of Monday is 463, they are getting hit as hard as China did. “We’re having an important growth in infection… and of deaths,” Mr. Conte, the Prime Minister of Italy, told BBC News. Families and friends are being cut off from each other because of the border shut downs. People in highly infected places are advised to stay in their houses and avoid travel at all times. Health precautions need to be taken by everyone, especially children, elderly folks, and people with illnesses.
India has been taking precautions as well. They have suspended all tourist visas and e-visas that were given on our before Mar. 11.They are trying to keep everyone who has been to any infected countries out as much as they can. The first case in India was reported on Jan. 30, 2020. The number is up to 65 as of Mar. 11. India is a very religious place, which could be a danger to themselves. Pharmaceutical technology says churches and temples and religious gatherings could be an easier place for COVID-19 to spread. A six-year-old child has been confirmed with COVID-19 in the state in India called Kerala. India is doing everything they can to isolate the virus
Covid-19 has been taking a toll on the food industry. Progressive Grocer states that Food retailers are experiencing great trouble with keeping products like hand sanitizer and toilet paper on the shelves at local grocery stores. These grocery stores need workers who will fill the spots and duties of those who need time off. Employers are encouraging workers who are sick or have family members who are sick.