Three, 2024 Seniors were asked a set of questions about how their mentality and lives have changed since their Freshman year. Sadie Rhodes, Ethan Barton, and Elizabeth “Lizy” Spangler all were asked the same questions but all had different outlooks.
When asked “How has your mentality on work, school, and life in general changed since Freshman year?” Sadie responded with,
“It’s definitely gotten more serious, as I’m upcoming college. I’m very focused on getting good grades and I need to study more and take things more seriously.”
Sadie gave a great point of view on preparing for college and going from having fun and being crazy to knowing she has to focus so she can get good grades and graduate.
When Ethan was asked, “How have your future and college plans changed since you were a Freshman?” He responded with,
“Yes, I originally thought I would be a part of the military but I changed my degree to now have something to do with engineering.
Ethan, like most seniors and students, has gone back and forth between career choices but when interviewed seemed very passionate about becoming an engineer.
“Mrs. Nawrocki especially, and Mrs. McAfee, mostly all of my math teachers throughout the years, have helped towards the engineering goal.” Ethan responded to the question, “Which classes and teachers do you feel have prepared you the most for graduation and after high school?” When Lizy was asked this same question she responded with,
“Mrs. Thomas for my algebra two class, Mr. Berger and Mrs. Beck. Pretty much all of my really good teachers that support me are helpful.”
Sadie had a good insight into “A piece of advice you would give a Freshman this year that you wish someone had given you when you were a Freshman?”.
She said, “It goes by fast so take advantage of the time you have and have fun but take care of your grades. Being social can wait but it is still important.”
Along with Sadie, Ethan said a piece of advice he would give is,
“I would suggest making friends as fast as possible because friends bring dedication. If you have good friends you can have good relationships and become a better person to bring people up.”
They agreed that Junior year was their favorite and most memorable year.
“Freshman and Sophomore year I was in Las Vegas and Junior and Senior year it was in Idaho so they were different and weird.” was Lizy’s look on Junior year.
“Probably Junior year. I had a lot of core classes and I had Mrs. Nawrocki help me with social stuff as well as mathematical and intellectual stuff.” Was Ethan’s Point of View.
Last but not least was Sadie’s look in Junior year.
“Junior year was both memorable and my favorite year. A bunch of my friends were Seniors so we partied and did crazy fun stuff.”
Sadie thought that Senior year was the easiest.
“Senior year has been the easiest year so far. I only have two classes at Skyline so it has been fun and easy.”
Ethan had both an easy Freshman year and a hard Sophomore year,
“Freshman year because it was the easiest mentally and physically. Mentally I just focused on getting good grades and just doing the best I could. Physically just go home, do your homework, sleep, and repeat.”
“Sophomore year was the most difficult because it was the year I noticed the world around me and how it affected me.”
These three Seniors gave their insight into how their mindsets have changed and how they have grown and improved their lives over the past four years. They agreed and disagreed, and had similar and different perspectives. But most importantly, they remembered what they had learned, and how much fun they’d had in the past four years.
Sadie Rhodes • Jan 3, 2024 at 10:28 am
Well said! I love hoe the comments were all spread out and all 3 seniors had a voice in this article.
Bianca Leiva • Jan 3, 2024 at 10:33 am
Its all Lynzie