COVID-19 Updates

COVID-19 Update
Justin Thornton | Reporter
Hospitals aren’t slowing down as workers continue to care for patients fighting COVID-19. According to East Idaho news “Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center has seen an 83% increase in COVID hospitalizations since January 7. With its current inpatient case numbers, EIRMC is managing its patient volume, but spokeswoman Coleen Niemann said “it remains a shift-by-shift assessment as it has since the beginning of the pandemic. If someone already signed up before today, they do not need to do anything else. EIPH expects to send a text or call to already registered individuals today to confirm registration. If people register before Feb. 11, they can expect a call by Feb. 22 to confirm an appointment. If they sign up after Feb. 11, they will be called after Feb. 22. EIPH asks that people not call until after Feb. 22 to check the status of their appointment as it would not have been scheduled until they receive a call.
Idaho Falls Covid cases are lowering, the last spick was in February according to east Idaho “if it were pre-covid and we were seeing significant community spread of flu, we would recommend getting vaccinated, as it reduces the change of infection and decreases severity if infected, “practice good hand-washing hygiene, stay home when sick and wear masks when around vulnerable populations. this was good advice for flu before covid existed, and it is good risk prevention advice today, as we face both flu and covid.”
Local hospitals think there might be another spike in covid cases according to East Idaho “Idaho Falls Community Hospital has also noticed an uptick in COVID admissions, although not as severe as in the past. Medical Director of the Hospitalist Program Jared Morton noted that unvaccinated community members continue to be admitted more than vaccinated people. “If we do admit the vaccinated people, generally, they do better,” Morton said. “There are, of course, some cases that have unfortunate outcomes with it, but their outcomes, if they’re unvaccinated, are generally worse.” Idaho began allowing those 65 and older to receive the COVID-19 vaccine on Monday. With a limited supply of the vaccine and high demand, many found it impossible to schedule an appointment on the first-come, first-served online and phone system Saturday morning. The first vaccine in Idaho was administered on Dec. 14 at Madison Memorial Hospital. Rackow said with the other priority groups getting the vaccine over the past several weeks, most of the new doses will go to those 65 and older. Spouses of those who register (who must also be 65 or older) will also be given the ability to schedule an appointment at the same time.”