Update: California Wildfires

3.7 million acres have burned in less than two months, as California has been experiencing deadly wildfires that just won’t stop. Many of the top fires have happened in 2020, especially the Glass Fire that is still growing. The dry winds have been increasing and burning acres by the day. As of Sunday, The Washington Post had reported 1,000 acres were burned in Shasta county. The August Complex, another named fire in California, is now ranked as the worst fire in state history. This fire affects Mendocino, Humboldt, Trinity, Tehama, Lake, and Glenn Counties; as well as surrounding areas. This particular fire was started by lightning and 120 firefighters are working day and night on areas of the fire that need more attention. Evacuation orders have been given to all six areas. While these fires are not going down without a fight, helicopters and other air support are aiding in dropping thousands of gallons of water and retardant.
Although California normally burns through enormous amounts of land every year during fire season, fire season has just started and has devastated California. The air quality is the worst it’s been in decades and many are even affected here in Idaho. The smoke has even reached all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. Little particles in the smoke can cause inflammation of the organs, where little microscopic particles have been growing in numbers for the last 5 years. Even the healthiest person can get sick from rough toxins in the air because of wildfires and smoke. People with high-risk respiratory systems have a long range of health effects. Remember to always watch out for the air quality posts in your area, and be sure to carry inhalers if you are asthmatic during this time.
My Name is Emili and I am the new Editor in Chief I love writing stories and cannot wait to see what this year brings!