Vianey Melendez
A Fizzbizz enthusiast, Vianey Melendez (9) is a freshman here at Skyline high school who likes to hang out with friends. When it is football season, she enjoys going to the games. Melendez has several friends on the football team, including Alex Young (9) (Linebacker), Kessler Sammons (9) (Offensive line/Defensive line), and Eric Luna (9) (offensive line/Defensive line), A loyal friend, she tries to support her friends as much as she can by going to all of their games.
Something that she believes makes her stand out is her hair and teeth. Her hair is really curly; it looks like the waves from the oceans. “My hair makes me stand out also my teeth. Something about my teeth is really weird,” she said.
Melendez used to play soft ball. She played outfield when she was 11 years old. Melendez hasn’t played in a school team yet, but she hopes to try out this year. Also she would like to be in an after school club.
School sometimes feels like a prison to her, but she finds some joy in it. Beci Beck and Whitney Egbert are her favorite teachers. She especially loves Beck’s room.
“I really don’t have a plan for the future because I’m only 14, and I’m trying to enjoy the time before I have to be stressed,” Melendez said. A career she hopes to have is photography, possibly so she can travel the world.

My Name is Emili and I am the new Editor in Chief I love writing stories and cannot wait to see what this year brings!